• Cooking with Beans and Pulses – Short Course

    by  • December 3, 2017 • EAT Project, News, Courses & Events

    What: Cooking with Beans and Pulses – Short Course

    When: Saturday 20th January 2017, 11 – 5pm

    Where: Unit C1 Thriveability Hub, Northover Buildings, Glastonbury, BA6 9NU


    A cheap and tasty source of protein, minerals, vitamins and micronutrients, beans and pulses make a great ally for both healthy eating and economic survival. This course will share healthy vegan recipes with beans and pulses being the principle ingredient. We will cover cooking with pulses from soaking to cooking times, focusing on slow food cooking and preparation. The recipes will be of an international flavour yet combining organic, seasonal produce.

    The class will include:

    • Learning to make wholesome meals with beans and pulses
    • Exploring different pulses and their principle uses and history
    • Learning which pots to use and cooking times
    • How to prepare delicious meals on a budget
    • How to combine pulses with other ingredients for optimum taste
    • Food and recipes to take home

    Cost: £35. Max 14 places, please book early. Free and financially-supported places available, please email for further information.

    How to Book: To book please email eat@feedavalon.org.uk
