• Free Course: Basic Meals on a Budget

    by  • December 3, 2017 • EAT Project, News, Courses & Events

    Over four weeks, folks will learn some great cheap and easy recipes. Dinner included in the evening. All welcome!

    What: Want to eat well but limited by budget and lack of cooking skills? The course will give learners vital shopping, budgeting and cookery skills. In order to transition to a healthy, ful lling and ethical diet as their budget allows.

    Sessions will cover shopping inthe local area, menu planning and budgeting, buying co-operatively, making bread, soups, cooking with herbs and spices, using lentils, using flour, and healthy takes on popular classics – including fast food and desserts.

    We will make dishes and share together at the end of the class.

    Where: Unit C1 Thriveability Hub, Northover Buildings, Glastonbury, BA6 9NU

    When: 6-8.30pm on these dates –

    • Thursday 18th January
    • Thursday 25th January
    • Thursday 1st February
    • Thursday 8th February

    Booking preferred but drop-ins welcome. Email to book: eat@feedavalon.org.uk
