• Improve your health with fermented foods in 2018

    by  • December 3, 2017 • EAT Project, News, Courses & Events

    Feed Avalon is organising our first fermentation course of the year. Please note this is likely to be our only fermentation training until the autumn. So make sure you book on!

    When: Saturday 17th February 2018, 11am – 4pm

    Where: Unit C1 Thriveability Hub, Northover Buildings, Glastonbury, BA6 9NU

    How to book: To book please email eat@feedavalon.org.uk

    What: The techniques and ways of fermenting food need to be shared and passed on. In the depths of winter we will be using the winter greens and grains to prepare us for the hungry-gap ahead.

    In the workshop, we’ll be remembering the old methods of preserving food. We’ll be preparing, making and tasting fermented foods from many di erent cultures; a variety of sauerkrauts, kimchi, sour-dough bread starter and more.

    The class will have the techniques of fermenting and preserving broken down into easy to learn step by step techniques.

    There will also be plenty of time for discussion on the culture fermenting and why it is so important for ourselves, our health and society. We’ll end the session with a chance to taste all the delicious food and have plenty to be taking home too.

    Cost: £35. Max 14 places, please book early. Financially-supported places available, please email for details.
