Successful Soil Summer School
by FAadmin • July 31, 2014 • News, Courses & Events, Uncategorized
Learners from across the UK came together this July to participate in Feed Avalon’s Soil Summer School. This fantastic weekend introduced many different aspects of soil care.
We introduced the soil food web, explored different types of soil and simple DIY tests to explore soil structure, pH and organic matter content. We looked at composting principles and practices, as well as how to make compost teas and other plant feeds from materials growing in your garden.
On the second day we dived into more detail about green manures and cover crops, as well as the role of rotations. We had an introduction to chromatography and also learnt about the important role of biochar in storing carbon and supporting soil health. Finally we explored the politics of soils – why they are being eroded and damaged worlwide and what collective action we can take in response.
Overall it was a really inspiring weekend, with everyone learning from each other and the sessions to support our soils for generations to come.